CDBG Public Meeting

CDBG Public Meeting

CDBG Public_Meeting_Notice___English



The City of Clovis, New Mexico wishes to inform all interested parties that public hearings will be held:
Date Time Location (all in Clovis, NM)
November 22, 2019 3:00 PM City Hall Assembly Room, 321 N. Connelly St.
November 25, 2019 3:00 PM Friendship Senior Center, 901 W. 13th St.
December 2, 2019 4:00 PM Clovis-Carver Public Library (Ingram Room) 701 N. Main
December 10, 2019 4:00 PM Eastern Plains Council of Governments 418 Main

The purpose of this public meeting will be to report on past CDBG program activities and to receive public input on community development needs and suggestions for future CDBG projects.

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program was established under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, in order to assist communities in providing essential community facilities, providing decent housing for residents, promoting economic development and maintaining a suitable living environment. The State of New Mexico estimates the 2020 appropriation of $10,000,000 to be distributed statewide on a competitive basis.

State and national objectives of the CDBG Program require that assistance be made available for activities that address at least one of the following:
1) An activity identified as principally benefiting persons of low and moderate income;
2) Aid in the prevention and elimination of slums and blight;
3) Meet other community development needs of recent origin having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs.

Applications are limited to a maximum of $500,000 without Certified Cost Estimates and $750,000 with Certified Cost Estimates, except for planning applications which have a limit of $50,000.

Eligible activities and categories will be described. All interested parties are invited to attend, to submit project ideas, to provide supporting data and testimony, and other pertinent information.

With sufficient notice, a translator will be provided for non-English speaking residents. Those unable to attend the public hearing may send written comments to:

CDBG Grant Program Requests:
Claire Burroughes
Assistant City Manager
PO Box 760
Clovis, NM 88101