City of Clovis honors Supervisor and Line Employee of the Quarter

City of Clovis honors Supervisor and Line Employee of the Quarter

On May 11, 2020 the City of Clovis honored its supervisor and line employee of the quarter during a modified DEAP (Distinguished Employee Appreciation Program) “Grab & Go” luncheon. The City of Clovis Nominating Committee selected Jorge Gutierrez, Sanitation Superintendent as Supervisor of the Quarter, and Greg DeMarco, Intermediate Driver Operator with the Clovis Fire Department as Line Employee of the Quarter.

“Our City employees provide great services to area residents, and I am proud of their commitment to our community,” advised City Manager Justin Howalt, Monday. “Today we are recognizing Mr. Gutierrez and Mr. DeMarco for their outstanding work as members of our City of Clovis team.”

5-11-2020 DEAP Awards