City of Clovis Comprehensive Plan
The City of Clovis is holding the first public meeting to update the 2007 Clovis Comprehensive Plan. The meeting will be facilitated by the City’s consultant, Consensus Planning, and will include a discussion of where the community sees Clovis being in the next 20 years. Each of the elements in the previous Comprehensive Plan (community profile, land use, housing, transportation, infrastructure, economic development, utilities, hazard mitigation, and implementation) will be updated as part of this planning process.
The public meeting will be held at the Clovis Civic Center at 801 Schepps Boulevard on Monday, April 9th, 2018, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The meeting will include a presentation by the consultant and an interactive exercise that will help facilitate the development of a future vision for the City. Participants are welcome to drop in at any time during the meeting.
For more information, please contact Claire Burroughes (Assistant City Manager) at (575) 769-7828 ( or Jackie Fishman (Principal with Consensus Planning) at (505) 764-9801.