Full-Scale Emergency Exercise at Clovis Regional Airport

Full-Scale Emergency Exercise at Clovis Regional Airport

Clovis, NM – June 12, 2024 – On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM, the Clovis Regional Airport will host a comprehensive emergency response exercise. This exercise aims to enhance coordination and preparedness among multiple agencies, ensuring a swift and effective response to any potential emergency. The participating agencies include:

  • Clovis Police Department
  • Clovis Fire Department
  • Clovis Regional Airport
  • Denver Air Connection
  • Cannon Air Force Base
  • Clovis/Curry County Office of Emergency Management

During the exercise, residents and travelers may notice an increased presence of response vehicles heading to and operating at the Clovis Regional Airport. These activities are part of the scheduled training and will not affect the regular operations of the airport.

We appreciate the public’s understanding and cooperation as we conduct this critical exercise to ensure the safety and security of the community. For more information or any questions, please contact the Clovis/Curry County Office of Emergency Management at 575-763-9494 or via email at oem@cityofclovis.org.
