Join the City of Clovis in Celebrating Water Conservation Month Beginning April 1, 2021

Join the City of Clovis in Celebrating Water Conservation Month Beginning April 1, 2021

The City of Clovis is partnering with EPCOR, our municipal water provider, throughout the month of April to promote water conservation in the Clovis area. Clovis’ water resources are strained, and the Ogallala Aquifer that we rely upon is declining. Water conservation is crucial for our area, and it is important that our community manages and protects our water today to provide better resources for the future.

The City of Clovis is committed to addressing our future water needs, and is the largest supporter of the Ute Pipeline Project through the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority (ENMWUA), which will provide a future sustainable water supply to our area. The City of Clovis supports water conservation and is undergoing several projects to maintain its water resources. These include the Effluent Reuse Project to use treated wastewater for services like sprinkler systems at city parks, golf courses and schools, and playa preservation efforts. While these projects will make a large impact in the community, the City encourages Clovis citizens to further conserve water in their homes, yards, and everyday lives. 

To promote Water Conservation Month, the City has organized several activities in April to educate and encourage the public to conserve water. These activities include:

  • Radio PSA’s created by students at Clovis’ iAcademy to air on local radio stations
  • Booths at City Hall and Clovis-Carver Public Library with informational packets and activities for children
  • Readings of proclamations at City Commission and County Commission meetings
  • Links to resources available on the City’s website at
  • Facebook posts and promotions on the City’s Facebook at City of Clovis, NM (City Government)

Stay tuned this upcoming month for more information and tips on how you can conserve water and make a difference in our community.  For questions regarding Water Conservation Month, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (575) 769-7828.

Press Release (Water Conservation Month)