Local Entities Respond to Projected Relocation of 300-350 Special Operations Personnel at Cannon Air Force Base

Local Entities Respond to Projected Relocation of 300-350 Special Operations Personnel at Cannon Air Force Base

The City of Clovis, Curry County Chamber of Commerce Committee of 50 and Clovis Economic Development are responding to the recent announcement regarding the relocation of some Airmen currently stationed at Cannon AFB.

Clovis Mayor Morris advised Tuesday: “Clovis is proud to be home to AFSOC’s 27th Special Operations Wing.  Through our long-standing supportive relationship, we understand that force structure is evolving within AFSOC and that personnel numbers may fluctuate up and down at Cannon as a result.  The announcement by the Air Force that the 6th SOS will be relocated to Davis Monthan in 2027 is an example of this expected fluctuation.  We also know that the Air Force is committed to CAFB and MAFR as integral assets in the defense of our nation.  I believe the future of Clovis and CAFB is bright as AFSOC evolves and new missions come to Cannon.  With our congressional delegation’s full attention to this I trust that we will continue to see CAFB’s importance to our nation’s defense far into the future.

Complementing our federal partners efforts and for our part locally, to ensure that the Air Force is always at home in Clovis, we continue to support mission readiness through ever improved quality of life, and continued efforts to support CAFB’s installation resiliency.

My support for the Airmen and their families is unwavering.  Clovis’ support of AFSOC and CAFB is unwavering.”

The Chamber of Commerce’s Committee of 50’s remit is to support the mission at Cannon.  Their president, Sid Strebeck, advised: “The Committee of 50 supports the mission at Cannon through many initiatives. Our past efforts include protecting encroachment and airspace and supporting the expansion of the over 100,000-acre Melrose Bombing Range.  The Committee of 50 is actively supporting the base through ongoing programs including community partnerships.  Currently we are working diligently through the Special Operations Five and Thrive Initiative to address quality of life needs related to Cannon, including Education, Safe & Affordable Housing, Healthcare, Childcare, and Diversity.  We are especially proud to be the first community to enter into a lease agreement with the Air Force for privately constructed new housing apartments for Airmen in the Clovis community to improve their quality of life.  The mission at Cannon is an integral part of Special Operations, and we look forward to supporting the base as their mission continues to evolve and grow.”

Clovis Economic Development President Lee Malloy advised Tuesday “We understand the need for force restructuring.  The mission at Cannon is secure and we are confident it will continue to thrive as our local economy continues to grow.”

Please contact the City Manager’s Office at (575) 763-9670 with any additional questions.

Download the Press Release, here.
