Mayor Morris Issues a Call to Pray for Rain

Mayor Morris Issues a Call to Pray for Rain

In Clovis and on the high plains, our arid climate and the depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer dictate that water conservation be our way of life. Individuals are encouraged to be water-wise and use less water at home by shortening showers, fixing water leaks, and not overwatering lawns.

On a larger scale, the City of Clovis continues the lead in ensuring water sustainability in the future through the Effluent Reuse Project, groundwater conservation efforts, and the Ute Pipeline Project, which will deliver surface water to our community.

Together we will successfully address our water challenges. However, as we have recently seen our neighbors around New Mexico deal with wildfires and grassfires close to home, we are reminded of the seriousness (and dangers) of the drought conditions that we are experiencing. We need help, and we need rain.

“I know many Clovis residents believe, as I do, in the power of prayer,” remarked Mayor Michael Morris. “I encourage all citizens, regardless of religious affiliation or faith, to join together in prayer for rain.”

Mayor Press Release re Rain