New Mexico Census 2020: Your Participation Makes a Difference

New Mexico Census 2020: Your Participation Makes a Difference

Complete your 2020 Census today!

The Census helps determine how federal funding is distributed to important things like health care facilities, public safety, schools, roads, business development and so much more. The census is 10 simple questions that are easy for everyone to answer.
All responses are confidential and protected by law. Help your community today, go to or call (844) 330-2020.
As behavioral health professionals, we recognize that so many of the people we serve rely on government-funded programs. One way we can guarantee New Mexico receives the proper resources to uphold various social services is through completing the 2020 Census.
The census determines funding for Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Title IV Foster Care, Indian Health Services (IHS), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), behavioral health services, housing assistance, and multiple other vital services that support every one of us here in New Mexico. The census only happens once every 10 years and informs how federal dollars are allocated to New Mexico for ten years. In fact, the 2010 Census count helped New Mexico receive over $4 million per year in federal funding for Medicaid and over $120,000 for CHIP.
In order to receive the most money for these programs, every person in the state needs to be counted — babies, children, family members, everyone!
Many things in our lives are uncertain right now. But one thing that is certain is that participating in the census will support the state’s social service infrastructure for the next decade. Do your part to make sure everyone in our state can rely on these essential programs for the next decade.
The future of New Mexico depends on a complete and accurate count.
  • Complete the census as soon as you receive your invitation from the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • Encourage your family, friends, colleagues, clients, and other members of the community we serve to do the same.
  • Visit or call (844) 330-2020.