Reminder from Code Compliance: Temporary Sign Code

Reminder from Code Compliance: Temporary Sign Code

CLOVIS, NM August 23, 2023The City of Clovis Building Safety Department would like to remind citizens that one temporary sign may be located on a property containing a business so long as any such sign is located within ten feet of the entrance to the principal building and is removed by the property owner when the business is not open to the public. Keeping the city free of unnecessary signage will improve our quality of life by improving the aesthetics of the city as stated in Chapter 17.45 of the Clovis City Code. 

A property owner may place three temporary signs with a sign face no larger than six square feet on a property containing a residence, so long as any such sign is no further than five feet from the principal residential structure and no taller than three feet. 

All temporary signs shall be no larger than thirty-two square feet, no closer than five feet from the curb or public right-of-way, and twenty-five feet from any intersection. They shall not be placed on any utility pole, street light, similar object, or on public property. Temporary signs shall not be illuminated.

For specific details on size, shape and number of days signs may be visible please review the City of Clovis sign code as stated in Chapter 17.45 by clicking this link.

City of Clovis Building Safety Code Compliance Division is comprised of four Code Compliance Officers and a Supervisor. Each Officer is assigned to one of four zones dividing the City of Clovis into four equal parts. 

For questions, please contact Code Compliance at 575-769-7829 or by contacting

Download the Press Release, here.
